Eating to have a best toned skin is important. but their are common fruit we eat carelessly that help the skin stay well and avert the risk of caner of the skin and other inflammation in the body tissues.
Apple (Malus pumila)
The apple fruits contain alot of vitamin C that pause skin ageing by stopping the production of free-radicals in the body. This fruits is also beneficial in some other areas of our such
Apple (Malus pumila)
The apple fruits contain alot of vitamin C that pause skin ageing by stopping the production of free-radicals in the body. This fruits is also beneficial in some other areas of our such
- lowering the risk of heart disease,
- boosting the immune system
- weight loss
- fight cancer
- lowering the risk of stroke
- reduce diarrhoea and constipation
- boosting memory
Carrots (Daucus carota)
Carrots contains beta carotene when eaten is converted into vitamin A. it also help the skin glow and prevents skin wrincnkles.
Spinach (Spancia oleracea)
Spinach is blessed with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help flush out toxic substance giving us a clear skin and it also strengthen our skin tissue.
Lemon (Citrus limon)
This fruits contains vitamins C that help in the synthesis of collagen. it also help wrinkles ,scars, blackheads posted on our skin.
Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Anti-inflammatory in nature, sweet potato has high vitamin A content which helps fight acne-causing bacteria. The presence of vitamin C further improves skin tone and heals pimple scars.
Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Anti-inflammatory in nature, sweet potato has high vitamin A content which helps fight acne-causing bacteria. The presence of vitamin C further improves skin tone and heals pimple scars.